Participation & social projects

Equal access to social life

We believe everyone is entitled to a dignified and self-determined life within a community. We work to ensure that participation in social, political and cultural life is possible regardless of gender, origin, language, faith, physical or mental integrity.


Here is an extract from already subsidised participation projects:

  • Co-founding and ongoing support of the Schorndorf food bank 
  • KidsTreff Schorndorf, individual learning support and social skills development
  • Assistance in setting up a shelter for war refugees with disabilities from the Ukraine through the European Spinal Cord Injury Federation (ESCIF) in cooperation with the Support Association for Paraplegics in Germany (FGQ), among others
KidsTreff Schorndorf
"We are like cinamon and sugar"

Sponsored projects

Further funding fields

Icon Stammhaus

Monument preservation & local heritage

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Icon Bildung und Chancen

Education & opportunities

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Icon Demokratieförderung

Promotion of democracy & commitment

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